Monday, January 11, 2010

Note to self, Be More Direct When Wanting Help With Brutus

So as today, my first day alone with Brutus came to an end, I was REALLY looking forward to my husband Don getting home. I found myself saying to Brutus, "aren't you excited for daddy to get home?". I am right back to where I was when I had small human children. The wonderful thing was, I knew that as soon as Don got home, he and Brutus would be leaving for Brutus's second walk of the day, and I would have some wonderful peaceful time alone. It might only be forty minutes, but it would be great.

I made dinner and said "hello" to my cats. Bernice, the middle one was still behind the water heater. At least it's nice and warm there. I have been putting food and water in the furnace room too, just to be sure that they are nourished while they adjust to their new brother. Maybe it's the wrong thing to do. Maybe I should be starving them so they come out of hiding, but frankly, if I were their size, I would be hiding too!!

So we had a nice dinner. Brutus was a little tuckered and actually laid on the floor. During dinner I explained to Don that I was going to clean up the kitchen, shampoo an area of carpet where Brutus had had an accident and then take a nice relaxing bath. Sounded good to him. I was hoping that he would catch the little hint in there that he was also going to be on dog duty tonight. I cleaned up the kitchen, with Brutus, and then went down to shampoo the carpet. The carpet shampooer wasn't working right, and when I was done I explained the problem to Don, but told him NOT to look at it tonight because I wanted to take a bath. He could look at it tomorrow. So, I went into the bathroom, brushed my teeth while the tub was filling and got in. Aah, heaven. I opened my eyes, and there was Brutus. Being I don't really know him yet, I wasn't sure if he was worried about me, or bathing me, but I was licked from head to toe, and he tried to drink half of the water in the tub. I yelled for Don a few times, but guess where he was... ladies??? any ideas??? you got it. Fixing the carpet shampooer. Don't get me wrong. I love that he fixes everything that needs fixing, but it was the whole "I'm taking a bath tonight" clue that flew right over his head that bugged me.

Note to self. Be more direct when wanting help with Brutus!

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