Sunday, June 20, 2010

Back Where He "Thinks" He Belongs

Well, it's late Sunday night, and Brutus has been back at the lake now since Friday afternoon, and his life is back to normal. It's been a rough ride for a big boy that can't tell us what's wrong!!

Last Tuesday I headed back to Minneapolis with Brutus to spend my 25th wedding anniversary with Don, and to spend the last few days of Nick's vacation with him. Brutus loved the car ride there, but as soon as we got there, he seemed very leery. That's the only word I can really think of to describe it, at least the first night. He came in our room and jumped on the bed when we went to bed, but after a few minutes he jumped down and slept on the floor. Very strange. We used to have to make him get down, and he would just look at us with those big eyes and goofy eyebrows, and we would cave!

The next morning I got up to take him outside to go potty, and when he came in, he went right in to his crate (which he hates) which is in the basement (which he hates even more) and basically stayed there until Friday afternoon when Don got done with work and picked him up to head to the lake. It was just bazaar. He didn't want to eat, didn't want to go in the back yard, and didn't want to have anything to do with anybody. We weren't sure if he was sick, or just pouting because we took him away from his "playground'. Now that he's back at the lake home, I am "sort of" happy to say that he was just pouting. He's been jumping around and chasing any chipmunk that is silly enough to come within reach of his leash, he's been fishing on the dock and boat, and swimming numerous times. Life is back to what Brutus thinks it should be. He isn't happy that his Dad had to leave tonight, but he's starting to get used to the routine a little better, and seems to know that he'll be back in no time at all.

Brutus is going to have to learn to talk between now and September, because I am NOT going to be the one to tell Don that we can't move back to Minnesota because the dog won't be happy there!!

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